Thursday, April 16, 2009

Two year old boys

So I just cleaned up the cat's water that Benji spilled all over the floor so he could splash in the puddles. That, and my brother (totally tongue in cheek)commenting at Easter dinner that Benji will be a bad influence on little Alan (as Alan followed Benji around the ottoman, both of them throwing puzzle pieces onto the floor as fast as they could go), made me realize that I have one of those kids that everyone looks at and secretly thinks "Thank goodness that's not my kid!" I guess it's my due, since I was the one thinking that about everybody else. Karma, eh?


Tina said...

OH NO!!!! We love Benji and we can't wait until the boys can really play together. They will be so great together! Or maybe I should say they are great together!

Unknown said...

Tina, I didn't mean to make you guys feel bad! :-0 I just thought how true it was...Benji is horrible about instigating trouble around here. No worries, okay?