Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Birthday, Baby!

Today is my baby's birthday. We celebrated (had cake and ice cream) last night (because we have about 20 million things going on this afternoon and evening), and today he gets presents.

He's three. I am filled with alternating feelings of excitement and terror: excitement because he's growing up and coming into his own personality, and terror because he's growing up and coming into his own personality. He is a joy, full of love and energy, but I gotta say, he's the worst of all my kids for being a tease. Oh my goodness, does that kid know how to get under his siblings' skin. It's going to be an interesting ride, helping him through this stage.

Love you, Benj!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Big Surprise, We Sang.

So today in church Kendall (on a leave from his High Council duties), me, Sarah, and Peter sang in church. We sang a lovely arrangement of As Sisters in Zion & I'll Bring the World His Truth. Here's a video someone put together with the song, so you can hear it.

A sister missionary reported on her mission today, Sister Laura Hughes, and you could tell she had just been the best missionary. The Spirit was very strong during the meeting...while we sang I had to keep it together enough to not cry, lol.

I'm sure this won't be the last time we sing, and I'm going to make the ward choir sing this the next time we have to sing about missionary work, but it is a great piece, and I just had to share. :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And Then There was life....

I don't know about you, but some days life is so full of challenges and craziness, but you've been there, done that a million times before. Maybe it's just because I'm getting older, and I'm beginning to recognize the patterns in life: the ups and downs of good days and bad.

Example: shortly after my last post, our dryer died a screeching, smoking, horrible death that scared the bajeebers out of me, as it commenced screaming as I began a load. We had about a month of no dryer, because of various and tedious details I won't blog about. Let's just say that we spent that month getting whacked in the head by semi-damp, stiff clothes as they hung in the unfinished basement from water pipes.
A week ago we finally got a fancy new pair of appliances, front loading Bosch's (thanks Mike!). In SILVER, even. Very nice, does everything I ask it to with nary a complaint. Heaven.

My point, however, is that it didn't even occur to me that this might be something to share with the blogosphere, simply because it's part of the natural ebb and flow of life. Some good days, some bad days, and some days that are a twisty cone of both.

No wisdom, here, merely observation.

P.S. If you're interested, I participated in the Utah Children's Writers blog activity, "30 Days, 30 Stories". Today is my day, and I have it posted over there if you're interested in reading the first 900 words of my current young adult novel in the works, "Dragon's Bridge".