Friday, June 5, 2009


This is the summer of learning something new...for me and the three youngest. Meri is on the brink of making a breakthrough in close. So this summer she will learn to read before she goes to kindergarten. This is awesome, and I look forward to working with her.

For the two youngest, not so fun. I think it's time to teach the two little boys the joys of toilet training. Andrew has been very reluctant, refusing any suggestions to start. But (and here's where the psychology comes in) he always wants to do things BEFORE Benji. But Benji is showing signs of readiness, and I'm not going to pass up the opportunity to get the rest of my kids out of diapers.

So wish me good luck (and good aim).


Paige said...

Good luck! Oh the trial of parenting that is toilet training!

ps -- what a cool writing project! I'm inspired.

Merci said...

Shoot the wolf in the mouth!! (I don't remember the Italian or even if that is the correct translation of the good luck expression).