Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The More Things Change...

...the more they stay the same. Or so the saying goes. Just when I think that things are finally changing, something reminds me of how similar each day is. Take getting a good night's sleep. Every night I look forward to a few hours of sleep. Uninterrupted. And yet it hasn't happened in 12 years. Take tonight, for instance. This is pretty typical. It is 12:53 am on Tuesday, Dec. 30th, and I am up with not one, but two little boys. And typing one handed. Andrew is up because he's had a fever all day, and it's been so long since he's had one, I'd forgotten how sensitive his tummy is. He's always been the most vomitrocious of my kids, and at the least hint of anything, out his lunch would come. So he threw up, in his bed, about an hour ago, and now he's sitting in the chair watching Horton Hears a Who, while we wait to see if the ibuprofen is going to stay down.

And Benji, too, is up. He got up two hours ago with a stinky diaper, and now won't go back down, even though he is leaning on my shoulder, exhausted.

The juggling act never ends. When I say 'the more things stay the same', I remember doing this very thing, up in the middle of the night, with Sarah ten years ago. Watching Winnie the Pooh, beginning to end. No way was she going to bed until the final credits ran, even if it was 5:30 in the morning. And one of us had to be up with her, curled up on the floor because she'd kicked us off the couch so she could be more comfortable.

I'm sure this too shall pass. At least that's what my mom tells me. I guess I'll have to believe her, 'cause there ain't no light at the end of this tunnel, honey.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Thanks for posting on my blog so I could find yours! I'm so glad to be back in touch with the Oliphants and find out how you are doing day to day. Hope you had a great Christmas! I'd love to meet up when we're in Utah again (probably not for another six months or so). Hope to talk to you soon.